

The Pros and Cons of Investing in AEDs

Automated External Defibrillators are lightweight medical devices that are portable and can be used anywhere. This device delivers electric shocks to shock the heart’s irregular (arrhythmia) or extremely high heart rate (ventricular tachycardia) back to a normal steady rhythm. These heart irregularities usually result from a sudden cardiac arrest and, as such, require the use…

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The Risks of Not Having an AED When Needed

Not to be confused with a heart attack, suffering a cardiac arrest is perilous on its own, but not doing something about it is even worse. When it comes to sudden cardiac arrests (SCAs), the only approach that’s proven to save lives is using an AED, short for an automated external defibrillator. By using defibrillators,…

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Why Do Massage Therapists Need CPR Certificates?

It may sound amusing, but massage therapists also enroll in CPR certification courses and get certified regularly. A certified massage therapist can save numerous lives from cardiac arrest, allergic reactions, or burn victims in the workplace. However, you can recognize the need for a CPR certificate in heart failure emergencies or when a patient experiences…

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What Is the Average Cost of CPR Certification Classes in Tampa – AHA?

When you’re thinking of learning CPR, you might be asking, “What is the average cost of CPR certification Classes in Tampa – AHA?” CPR certification courses and training costs vary depending on factors like CPR level, organization, provider, etc. However, health organizations like the American Heart Association and American Red Cross work to develop standardized…

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Can you perform CPR on a burn victim?

You might be wondering if you can perform CPR on a burn victim, we’ll give you the facts here. Skin burns, no matter their severity, are serious injuries and need prompt attention.  Treatment depends on the type of burn; however, first aid can help prevent a situation from getting worse while waiting for medical assistance. …

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