It may sound amusing, but massage therapists also enroll in CPR certification courses and get certified regularly. A certified massage therapist can save numerous lives from cardiac arrest, allergic reactions, or burn victims in the workplace.
However, you can recognize the need for a CPR certificate in heart failure emergencies or when a patient experiences respiratory failure. That’s why many states across the USA are urging professional massage therapists to acquire a CPR certificate.
In this article, we’ll dive into the importance of why do massage therapists need CPR certificates and how they can save lives.
CPR Certification as a Career Development Opportunity
Many massage therapists are looking at the CPR certification card through the lens of professional development. If you’re a professional working in the field of massage therapy, you’d want to know the basics of first-aid and CPR to ensure your patients or clients are safe.
The US Bureau of Labor Statistics tells us that more than 80.000 massage therapists are in the United States. Moreover, these massage therapists are employed under different conditions and in various workplaces:
- Personal Care Services – More than half of massage therapists in the United States provide personal care services. This statistic underlines the importance of CPR certificates for massage therapists who work privately, their obligations, and legal compliance.
- Physicians’ or other health practitioners’ offices – Massage therapists also work in private businesses operating in the health industry sector. CPR certification for a massage therapy worker is necessary for some of these working instances, prescribed by law or OSHA standards.
- Travelers’ accommodation – Traveling and accommodation is another business sector where massage therapists work. CPR certification can save a lot of lives in unpredictable traveling situations.
Even though different states have various laws on CPR certification for massage therapy, some therapists enroll in CPR certification courses of their own will. There they can master CPR skills and how to perform them on different age groups and patients.
Furthermore, massage therapists sometimes work with people with chest fractures and other delicate injuries. That’s why they enroll in CPR certification courses and learn more about giving CPR to patients with different disease histories.
Different Types of CPR Certificates for Massage Therapists
As with any other individual, a massage therapist can enroll in some of the certified courses provided by organizations like the American Red Cross and the American Heart Association. More precisely, AHA and the American Red Cross certify and license other training centers across the States.
Relevant government organizations usually recognize only the CPR certification for a massage therapy worker by these two organizations. The reason is that AHA and the American Red Cross are collaborating in upgrading the First Aid and CPR guidelines. They base their recommendations on various studies and scientific findings for improving the CPR procedure.
However, a massage therapist can enroll in almost any CPR class. For example, massage therapists can start learning the CPR techniques at some basic CPR, AED, and First Aid courses by the American Heart Association or the American Cross.
Moreover, massage therapists can study the Pediatric, First Aid, CPR, and AED courses, primarily if they work with child and infant patients. Massage therapists can also enroll in some of the Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support Course encompassing the whole science of cardiovascular disease, states, symptoms, and treatments.
Massage therapists can study the CPR certification courses as part of an organization or a business. The American Heart Association and the American Red Cross also offer courses customized for whole clinics, offices, and companies.
Massage Therapy License & CPR
If you’re a professional and want to get your massage therapy license, you’ll usually have to acquire a CPR certification from AHA or the Red Cross. The states have various laws and requirements for obtaining a CPR certification for massage therapy. Some may require a specific CPR certificate, while others recognize the basic CPR & First Aid certificates.
Here’s a simple example! If you work in Pennsylvania, you can obtain a CPR certification from AHA, the American Red Cross, the American Safety & Health Institute, and the National Safety Council. Otherwise, your certificates won’t be recognized by legal authorities, and you won’t be able to get a massage therapy license.
Another thing you must consider before enrolling in a CPR certification course is whether the State Board of Massage Therapy accepts different learning methods. Let’s take Pennsylvania as our example once again! There, the State Board of Massage Therapy doesn’t recognize certificates obtained online or blended learning.
For example, other states, like Mississippi, will require you to provide evidence that you’ve spent 8 hours in practical training and testing. Mississippi, for instance, also accepts massage therapy CPR certificates from the same organizations as Pennsylvania.
All these regulations and recommendations lead to CPR certification being mandatory across the United States for obtaining a massage therapy license. Massage therapy laws and licensing regulations are developed and implemented by government officials and the state’s State Board of Massage Therapy.
Massage Therapy & CPR Renewal
A massage therapy license requires continual education in both the fields of massage therapy and CPR. AHA and American Red Cross CPR certificates remain valid for two years. After this period, you’ll have to renew the certification card.
The renewal process will demand less time, effort, and money than the initial CPR certification course. The renewal CPR certification courses are a slightly expanded program of the previous certification course because of the particular updates and changes in the guidelines and best-recommended practices.
Massage therapists can renew their CPR certificate by filling out an application in the same training centers as before. Usually, the AHA and American Cross-certified training centers will provide you with manuals, handbooks, and other materials to update your knowledge.
Even though the State Boards of Massage Therapy usually don’t recognize the online learning method as valid, your examination will be in-person. Moreover, a massage therapist is free to choose between the different certification renewal classes: online, in-person, or blended learning.
Where to Find Reliable and Affordable CPR Training Centers for Massage Therapists?
CPR certification for massage therapy isn’t something new. Massage therapy colleges and education centers have practiced obligatory CPR training since the nineties. There are hundreds of CPR training centers in each state, and almost all of them are certified by the American Heart Association and the American Red Cross.
Massage therapists, as individuals, can enroll in some CPR certification courses by simply registering, applying, and paying online. A health organization, whole clinics, and private businesses can apply for a particular CPR certification course and acquire certificates for all the employees, including the massage clinics.
However, different training centers can have different policies for applying, registering, and paying. That’s why massage therapists have to inform themselves whether the training center provides such services, the mutual obligations, and whether it is certified by AHA and the American Red Cross.
Across the States, particular CPR training centers have fully-customized programs for babysitters, long-term care facilities, and nursery workers. There has been a significant shift towards customizing programs for massage therapists and similar workers in recent years.
The price you’d have to pay for enrolling in a customized CPR certification course might be slightly higher than the basic First Aid and CPR course. There aren’t any huge price differences because AHA’s guidelines stay the same for every training center.
Reasons Why a Massage Therapist Needs a CPR Certificate
There are many reasons why a massage therapist should have a CPR certificate. Following are some of the most common emergencies happening at massage therapy:
- Sudden Cardiac Arrest – The reason for sudden cardiac arrests is that massage therapies usually stimulate blood pressure and circulation. Moreover, 80% of heart attacks happen at home and in a relaxed atmosphere.
- Allergic attack – Allergic reactions aren’t something new at the massage therapist’s premises because of the various oils, medications, and other substances.
- Working with the elderly – Massage therapists often work in personal care facilities or physician’s offices, treating older people with a higher risk of a heart attack.
Final Words
There are many reasons why CPR certification for a massage therapy license is common in the United States. Firstly, massage therapists must provide professional and dedicated care to their patients. They must know how to prevent particular workplace emergencies and ensure work quality.
Secondly, anything can happen at the workplace, including a severe allergic reaction or a heart attack. As a healthcare provider, a massage therapist must know how to respond in such situations before the emergency services arrive. CPR certificates save lives – that’s why the State Bureau of Massage Therapy makes them obligatory.